Refund Policy

We believe 100% in our products. We strive daily to make you happy and bring a smile to your face with our service. However, we understand that it may not be easy for everyone. If you are not satisfied with your purchase or have an issue that we cannot resolve and renders the system unusable, we will be happy to refund your amount

How do you request a refund?
Please make a note of your transaction order number with the subject: 'Refund Request' and describe in your email the issues you are facing and the reason for this request. In some cases, you may need to provide us with evidence, and we will also send you evidence of our work and show you things we have noticed that we need to explain to you to make our perspective and decision more transparent and detailed.

Please understand and accept that we cannot offer refunds due to technical issues unless you allow us sufficient time to resolve them and assist you. If we are unable to resolve your problem within 48 hours, we will proceed with a refund. Please contact our 24/7 live support if you need assistance

Refunds can only be issued within 72 hours from the date of purchase. No refunds can be processed after 72 hours
If you paid with a credit card, refunds are typically processed, and the funds are returned to the customer's bank account within 20 to 31 business days

However, there are cases where refund processing may take longer, up to 90 days. We are not responsible for these timeframes and delays. We are not the payment provider, but only the IPTV service provider

We only provide full refunds for purchases made within 72 hours. All other refund requests will be partially refunded based on the duration of the subscription used. The we support team will reach out to users in all refund cases

Note: Each refund typically takes 20 to 90 business days, and it is beyond our control to shorten this timeframe. Our payment processors will handle refund requests. We will do our best to process each request as soon as we receive it and verify user information

We do not send refunds or make partial refunds when:
The user cannot set up their own box and system:
We will do our best to set up their boxes, devices, apps, and systems in all cases of support requests. The reason is that we are not aware of the circumstances of the box, devices, and the system, etc. Our support is limited to predefined steps for device configuration

Some channels occasionally freeze, buffer, or do not work:
While almost all of our servers are stable, some channels may occasionally freeze or not work for various reasons, but this is not a permanent issue. Our expert engineers are continuously working to resolve them.

Most of the time, these issues are temporary and are caused by the following reasons:
Fluctuations in the customer's internet connection.
Issues with the box/apps/customer setup in general.
Your internet service provider has a problem.
The channel is disabled from the server end.
The customer changes his mind and wants to withdraw/switch between servers.
If the user/customer, for any reason, cannot use their IPTV subscription plan for 48 hours or longer due to issues caused by the server or us, we will fully refund the package price or add the lost time to your subscription for free, along with some additional bonuses that we can negotiate together.

Contact us
If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact us

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